Empowering from the inside out
Imagine a world where our struggles become our strengths, and where working through challenges leads to greater resilience. We offer an approach to wellbeing that is holistic, practical and accessible to all. Our compassionate and creative sessions and workshops draw from various modalities and areas of expertise. Whether you’re a child, adult, school or organisation, the goal is to empower you to build your own resilience.
Our Services
Play Therapy
Neda creates a safe, nurturing and loving space where your child can discover who they really are while they play, heal and grow.
Paula is an intuitive practitioner who is passionate about supporting you on your healing journey. BodyTalk helps to restore balance to your BodyMind complex.
Parent Coaching
Bev offers compassionate and empowering support to caregivers as they learn how to meet their own and their children’s emotional needs.
Occupational Therapy
Nicky combines her expertise of the body and of trauma to help individuals and small groups discover their full selves and true resilience.
Resilience Toolbox Training
Cutting-edge workshops offering awareness and tools to combat the effects of trauma, stress and dysfunction on the body, mind and relationships.
Resilience Toolbox Groups
Facilitated group sessions that foster courage and connection while promoting confidence and a stronger sense of self.
“Resilience is all about being able to overcome the unexpected. The goal of resilience isn’t to just survive but thrive.”
Jamais Cascio, Author & Futurist
We also offer...
Sensory Matrix Assessment
The Sensory Matrix™ helps you to understand your sensory system and how it responds to the environment. Being empowered with these insights can help to improve wellbeing and productivity at work or school and can improve relationships.
Environmental Assessment
Environmental Assessments take place in your home, school, or workplace and serves as a tool for pinpointing environmental factors that may be hindering your ability to manage daily tasks effectively.
Play Therapy Clinical Supervision
Play Therapy Clinical Supervision offers creative supervision to Play Therapists in South Africa and abroad. Using a range of tools such as symbols, art, writing, role play, and sandplay, supervisees analyse their client work, fostering reflection and professionalism.
MIM Assessment
Marschak Interaction Method (MIM) is a fun assessment tool designed to identify strengths and areas of growth within families. Caregiver and child, or the entire family, engage in playful activities and respond to prompts which they get to reflect on with support.
Theraplay® is a child and family therapy that focuses on supporting a child’s positive behavioural and emotional responses through the parent-child relationship. Theraplay helps the child experience previously difficult interactions in new ways.
Circle of Security Parenting
COSP is an attachment and evidence-based 8 week programme focused on building secure caregiver-child relationships. It empowers caregivers in their capacity to offer emotional closeness as well as supporting healthy independence.
Self Regulation Tools
Breathing, Tapping & other Regulation Techniques are taught in a relaxed and creative environment. Once embedded into a daily routine, these simple and empowering self-regulation tools can be life-changing and easily used independently.
Safe & Sound Protocol
Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP) is a five-hour therapeutic listening intervention based on years of research by Dr. Stephen Porges and his Polyvagal Theory. Its aim is to strengthen the social engagement system which increases relational safety.
Accredited by
Resilience Hub can help with
Stress & Anxiety
Challenging Behaviours
Parenting Struggles
Confidence & Self Esteem
Health & Vitality
Focus & Concentration